Some things I see or hear seem so real until I realize they aren't there,
Am I going crazy? No I don't think so,
I'm just realizing that I'm startin..
Something you can't picture life without
Or something you want more than life itself, but you must live to achieve it
The thought of it can bring y..
Nothing fancy, once again just how I was feeling at the time
PainI feel it, I live it, it’s a part of me,Not just physical but emotional,sometimes its too much to bare,To deal I shut people out, keep to my..
Journal Entry i just decided to share
Then, i would have said my life is going to be perfectnow, i wish i never gave myself false hopeThen, i would say i cant wait to leave this placeNow,,..
May be a poem but its just how im feeling, one of the chapters of my life so im labeling it a memoir