Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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: Writing

My Life

My Life

A Poem by

I Wish I Had Known You
Small Stuff

Small Stuff

A Story by

Not to Sweat the Small Stuff in Life
The Mirror

The Mirror

A Poem by

The Beauty of Innocence
Poppies in bloom

Poppies in bloom

A Poem by

We Are the Ultimate Purest Form of Energy
The Enemy

The Enemy

A Story by

Dilemma within the Human Heart


A Story by

The Hearts of Evil Men
My Heart

My Heart

A Poem by

An Enduring Love
The Morning Light

The Morning Light

A Poem by

Light is a Fertile Effervescent Matter
But if I Die

But if I Die

A Poem by

The Imagination Cannot Follow
A Brilliant Light

A Brilliant Light

A Poem by

Suddenly Reaching the End