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About Me

"Having lived a bit has altered my thoughts of this coming new year from
all those that have come and gone. Life is so bizarre that in some ways, my diagnosis has been a blessing.

"I'm not sure why life goes like that. But often in those moments when our life seems to be at its
lowest, we are taught the most profound lessons.
Life can be so unforgiving and cruel, and yet still possess a breathtaking beauty. As humans, we tend to separate ourselves for the most shallow and selfish of reasons.
But in the end, our sameness should always erode away our differences.
We all will experience pain and loss on this journey.
We all will have our brief moments of chest-pounding triumph, to be followed by the crushing reality
that we are also the frailest and weakest of beings.

"My hope for the New Year is for people to understand how fleeting our health, our wealth
and our social status can be; that life is a blend of all things, both good and bad, for all people.
I hope that we learn to see that sameness - and know that, all in all, life is good.''

� 2008 Rain

Tom Waits - Hold On

Nothing to say..that hasn't been said. Rather walk alone to the sound of sea waves in my head.. I am dying and living. I am not sure which has the greater influence on me. I need to write..I have to die. And so I seek a place of solitude to talk about my terminal cancer..and my love for life.I write for myself..but in secret hope someone hears me..knows that I exist..and existed. I dance with life...but it is often a meloncholy waltz in a distant field. I am a man who loves like a child...whose memories of playgrounds slowly flitter away. To laugh and love is to live. I do not sing...play an instrument...paint...or sculpt...yet I am an artist of the alleys and paths I have walked. I am an unfinished portrait...waiting and wondering how I will look in the end. I have loved life deeply...despite the many ill chosen paths that have brought me here. I feel like my heart will explode if I can't release the thoughts that fill my restless soul. Here's to all those who walked by my side on this journey. I am a part of you...and you are part of me.
Sometimes it hurts to look back on your life...the mistakes, the people you hurt, the things you might change. But, your life is what it is...yours. No-one lives without regret. You must look at it all, not a segment. You must see all of your life. It is then the painting takes on it's raw beauty..a blend of laughter and tears, good and bad. My life...my painting...it is mine. I cannot go back. If I could...I would tell those that loved me how much I appreciated them, but I can't. I loved some at the wrong time. I ended up where the path led. When asked who painted this picture...I say " I did." It is how I lived. It shows both the ugliness and beauty of my journey. In all...it is a priceless reflection of my life.
My hero is Westley Autrey, the man who leaped down in front of a subway to save a stranger. He is America...

I like rain and the power of thunder and lightning...playgrounds and children laughing. I like winners and losers when they cry...women dressed in black...old friends who forgive...freight trains with cabooses...time alone.. women with dark hair,and dark eyes. I love the ocean wind when it's strong...and a gentle breeze that make the fields look like they're dancing. I like old dogs and young puppies...Christmas...and kids with earmuffs. I tend to like people with low self-esteem...they seem more sincere and humble...people who turn their Christmas lights on in Aug. I love my wife and my sons and grandsons, my friends. I don't like crowds...small cars... arrogant people...or mondays. I like memories of old friends...now gone. I love life when it lets you dance...I love James Dean and Tom Waits, and Audrey Hepburn. The world changed when they took the caboose off the train, stopped naming hurricane's after women, and changed the name of Sugar Crisp, to Golden Crisp. I like me sometimes...but not always.

Of the many lesson's life teaches, few are taught while the sun is shining. Most of life's profound lessons are taught while we are standing alone...in the middle of the pouring rain..


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Posted 7 Years Ago

There are many times I think about you old friend, Your writing left me with a goal to strive for. You will always be the Great One.. I can only imagine you looking down wondering where the hell everyone went... Keep on riding that train...

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I will remember you, Ray. You were a literary friend. We chatted some. I enjoyed hearing from you, and I enjoyed your work. I am glad you published your book. We will miss your writing and your voice. Be at peace, my friend.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Merry Christmas, Ray. Hope the New Year brings nothing but good things your way. - Mimi. xx

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Posted 13 Years Ago

A hello from me and hope you are well my friend x

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Just thinking about you...Hope all is well...Your friend Gaynell

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I can always come to your page ...and reread your writes ive read before...even if you are not here... it makes me feel better ...like lunch with my friend ...
miss u my dude

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I came here to listen to "Tom Waits" and maybe drop a tear here and there. I miss my dear friend. Where did our time go? How are you my friend? I know you're ill. I'm doing ok, I'm going through treatments and my hair gets thin I get sick like it's the bottom of the gutter green. But in all of that I'm OKAY because I'm here. "Holding on" I'm still by myself. I just told my sister finally after 2-3 years. Ahh, she knew some of it, as the rest but no one knows it all. They certainly don't know this. But hey I don't want to be treated like I'm sick. I'm not! I just have more stuff to do than they do and feel crappy doing it. (big smiley face) - Hug you Rain - "I have met Rain" I think of you all the time... I hope you are doing well, pray for you and miss you, you have always inspired me. - Judy _ PS_ I can not get on here really I'm surprized I could get this far - everything, my 'home' accounts' my profile' all of that goes to someone called "Goldie" and under "my writing' it says nothing has been posted yet. I can't get through to anyone either. So??? Anyway - Big hug! Judy

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi Rain, I hope all is well with you.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hope you are well my friend...miss the good old days!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thinking of you .. hope things are well. We do miss you.
