Raewyn Pierce

Raewyn Pierce


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About Me

Seven years ago, I started writing a little story about werewolves. A lot has changed, but I have continued to develop it. Characters have earned new names, the plot has evolved, and my writing has improved. (Or, so I like to think.)

Take a moment to browse through the chapters.


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Posted 15 Years Ago


If one proves weak whom you fancied strong,
Or false whom you fancied true,
Just ease the smart of your wounded heart
By the thought that it is not you.

If many forget a promise made,
And your faith falls into the dust,
Then look meanwhile in your mirror and smile,
And say, 'I am the one to trust.'

If you search in vain for an ageing face
Unharrowed by fretful fears,
Then make right now, and keep a vow
To grow in grace with the years.

If you lose your faith in the word of man
As you go from the port of youth,
Just say as you sail, 'I will not fail
To keep to the course of truth.'

For this is the way, and the only way--
At least it seems so to me.
It is up to you, to be and to do,
What you look for in others.

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox