The light no longer shines out of your eyes.
She is the sun, I am the stars. I could never shine as brightly as her.
With every perfect boy and perfect girl there's the odd one out.
Those who say sunny days are happy days have never danced in the rain.
I could picture your toes swirling about the atmosphere,
You’re as free as a bird, and I wonder why you have no wings,
You're free to break ..
We stay in the shadows of the stage, while another dancer leads the way
After a bittersweet end to a romance, all I can think about is how you're everywhere.
My heart, you'd never notice it, but it's firmly sawed in two. Not that you would ever care, but both halves belong to you.
This bed is my prison, I’m as good as locked in by the threat of dying, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be yours.
Like fireflies on the inky heavens,
Lit with love, and full of passion,
What’s it like to die?
Have you ever been in love, waiting for your next fix, and not sure why.