Rachel Ann

Rachel Ann


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About Me

I am a fifteen year old girl living in Ohio. I'm a sophomore and I am home-schooled. I am hoping to go to university for Graphic Designing, but hopefully I can get into some good writing classes on the side. I'm writing something right now, but it's still at those stages where you don't talk about it at all in fear of losing everything you were once thinking about. It happens, don't try and tell me it doesn't happen to you too! I'm always up for new friends, don't be afraid to talk to me!


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Posted 16 Years Ago


One by one, like leaves from a tree,
All my faiths have forsaken me;
But the stars above my head
Burn in white and delicate red,
And beneath my feet the earth
Brings the sturdy grass to birth.
I who was content to be
But a silken-singing tree,
But a rustle of delight
In the wistful heart of night--
I have lost the leaves that knew
Touch of rain and weight of dew.
Blinded by a leafy crown
I looked neither up nor down--
But the little leaves that die
Have left me room to see the sky;
Now for the first time I know
Stars above and earth below.

~Sara Teasdale