Rosi S. Phillips

Rosi S. Phillips



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About Me

Rosi S. Phillips was born in 1993 with caramel colored skin, to a Nigerian immigrant father and a 2nd generation Finnish mother. With this background, International awesomeness was soon to follow.

Rosi attended public schools in Cleveland (Ohio), Richfield (Minnesota) and Washington, DC and ultimately received a scholarship to attend Emerson Preparatory School In Dupont Circle, graduating at 16. Rosi then headed to Egypt for a year abroad to study Arabic in Cairo. Secretly, her friends wonder how her presence in Egypt may have sparked the Revolution, but her host family has assured her it is simply not the case.

Rosi splits her time now between being an awesome daughter, learning Persian, and figuring out how to complete her studies in less than 5 years now that she’s a double major in Women’s Studies and Persian. A Grim Love: Can’t Fight Time is her first published book. You can read her other works on her blog page and follow her on Twitter, Facebook and yes, even G+.

Rosi loves sushi, Escapy (her fish), family, friends, reading, traveling and learning new languages. Rosi aspires to be a polyglot through traveling the world and being open to the possibilities.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hi Rosi, I'd like to know if you are also into poetry?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Just did a Poet Spotlight. Check out my interview with Christian Gallagher and some of his awesome work!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I do read Sufi poetry, though the divan comment was actually from a romance novel. I went through a pretty heavy regency England romance faze, and I wrote this poem during that time. Oh, and thank you for the complaint and allowing me a place in your poetry competition. I'm just so glad you enjoyed it!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Do you read sufi poetry? That would explain your use of Divan in the poem that just ranked.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm back! With two new exciting stories! Yeah!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

The book is up!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

New contest! Win a free copy of A Grim Love: Can't Fight Time! Check out my blog or Facebook for details!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Get a FREE copy of AGL:CFT this Friday all day! More information on the blog!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Please check out my social media sites! They can be accessed through my blog.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

About Can't Fight Time:

Nina’s on the struggle bus…

Nina Marie Strathmore has been on a downward slope since she met the mysterious and frighteningly attractive, Grim. Things only get more complicated when Nina finds out that she’s about to be murdered by her insane father, and that the only way she can have a little more time is by striking a contract to go to the Underworld with Grim’s brother, Uri. But when Nina gets there, she finds out that Grim is the heir apparent to a reaper throne and engaged to a reaper princess!

… And the bus is breaking down right in front of Grim.

Samuel “Grim” Bloodspurn can’t help but be drawn to Nina. Grim is torn with following the rules and marrying Felicia, a reaper princess of a neighboring kingdom, and following his heart and staying with Nina. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Grim’s father is going crazy, reapers have been mysteriously vanishing, and Grim’s mother, senses a storm brewing and come right towards them.

Travel on the struggling reaper bus with Nina and Grim as they try to fight her murderous father, his family’s disapproval, and a pair of mad scientist gods. Nina and Grim might be able to do overcome a lot, stand together through it all and become closer, but the one obstacle they can’t stop, will be the one thing that will drive them apart.

It’s a simple fact that no matter who you are you… Can’t Fight Time.