About MeI love music, reading, sports, and writing of course! I play piano and am pretty good (if I do say so myself). I love Alicia Keys, she's so good at what she does, and has her morals straight. She's an inspiration to me.
I'm pretty much a t-shirt and chucks kind of girl. I'm very athletic and find ALL sports fun, yes, even the ones I'm not good at haha...but my favorites are soccer and running. I'm very outoging and can be kind of CRAZY sometimes, I love to joke around and laugh! But I can get down to business when needed like in school I'm a straight A student. I may not be a very good writer but I am a happy one! I love making up all sorts of scenarios that just randomly pop in my head. Writing is like my own little world where anything is possible! I'm just a teen, and what can't be done in life, must be done in my writing haha...that was deep I know. Just playin. Well that's basically me for you haha... PEAcE. LOvE. cHUcKS. <------------------------------------- *FUN FACT* I got that saying from one of my very cool t-shirts! *FUN FACT* (another one AWESOMENESS!!!) My favorite color is GREEN!!! GO GREEN!!! (NO I'm not a tree hugger) MY FAVORITES: Classic Movie: Forest Gump Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry Song: Too many to name haha but for now..."Superwoman" by Alicia Keys. Subject: Science in general Favorite Commercial: Those one Bazooka Bubblegum commercials haha they're so catchy! *NEW* Fun Fact of the Day* I am a FLUENT spanish speaker, english is actually my second language. *NEW* Fun Fact* I love skittles! TASTE the rAinBOw : ) PEAcE.LOvE.cHUcKS. - DAZ Comments