Today, as some of you may know, is International Women's Day. In spirit of this I have an ..
This is the very first draft of the very first chapter of a novella I'm writing. See what you think; would you be interested in reading more...?
Dear Robin,How are you? I hope you’re ok and laying off the beer. Well, another set of exams are over, and I just wanted to let you know 10 thin..
You ask me, my friend, what it is like to see the world through the eyes of a writer. I cannot tell you, but listen as I share this story ..
Biography & Memoir / Essay
Please check Author's Note before reading - it is a slightly dark piece from my past.
It lasted only moments but it felt like an age. Water can have that effect, you see. It can make time seem like a visible current, slow or fast, shall..
As they walked the golden, dusk-lit path in the hinterlands, they felt the winds of Time trace the distance coolly between them. On that wind there fl..
(Advice to a new dating site user)