Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Querida : Writing

Where Has The Time Gone?

Where Has The Time Gone?

A Poem by Querida

Where hasthe time gone? it used to pass so slowly like angel wings drifting on that heavenly draft of air But now it's speeding up and I can fe..
Journal: 7/28/08

Journal: 7/28/08

A Story by Querida

I feel full. Full of words and emotions and stories and dreams and hopes and regrets. I just want to talk, to someone who cares enough to give a damn,..
Journal: 5/26/08

Journal: 5/26/08

A Story by Querida

I feel nostalgic. 24 days ago I wrote my now-annual 'Ode to Seniors', but I still wasn't sure what was happening. Now I know. Summer is coming, that d..


A Poem by Querida

blessed raindrops how gently they fall smacking lightly against the glass of my window they appear out of dusk out of dark out of light but ..
Oh, The Truth of Love

Oh, The Truth of Love

A Poem by Querida

Oh, deep-seated affection, how fickle newadoration seems in comparance with you the truth that is love Think of deep-red roses of the softening..
I Need To Get Out Of This Place

I Need To Get Out Of This Place

A Poem by Querida

I used this as a display of my writing talents for a scholarship, which I was lucky enough to recieve.
Journal: 5/3/09: Ode to Seniors

Journal: 5/3/09: Ode to Seniors

A Story by Querida

Ah, how horrific a time is this! I hate to admit it, but I've failed to keep up the plans I once held, those that dictated my survival in, this, the m..
Our Story

Our Story

A Poem by Querida

Perhaps I'll linger here, dearest where lips beg to linger and hope beg to be discovered somewhere close lingering seems a pleasurable hobby, much..
Journal: 4/20/08

Journal: 4/20/08

A Story by Querida

Things I have learned this play season. Oppurtunity is not a lengthy visitor Tights can look good on a long-legged girl Nimble hand..
Nothing Ever Truly Lasts

Nothing Ever Truly Lasts

A Poem by Querida

Only hallowed spiders could spin such silken webs as likely to hold as they are to fall Like the deception of a friend lies catch by mistakes in..

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