Paul V : Writing

Through the Mirror

Through the Mirror

A Book by Paul V

Ever been sick of your own life and wonder what else could possibly be out there? Well, Darren didn't, but he was forced into a world unlike any he co..
Through the Mirror - Prologue

Through the Mirror - Prologue

A Chapter by Paul V

Two years before the current story... This basically shows how we got where we are (self explanatory?)
Through the Mirror - Chapter One

Through the Mirror - Chapter One

A Chapter by Paul V

“I welcome you all here with open arms, as by the end of the hour you will all leave this place as graduates, never to return again.”The p..
Through the Mirror - Chapter Two

Through the Mirror - Chapter Two

A Chapter by Paul V

That afternoon I slapped on my smudged up skater shoes, grabbed my flashlight, and hit the streets.I hadn’t intended to go anywhere today, becau..
Through the Mirror - Chapter Three

Through the Mirror - Chapter Three

A Chapter by Paul V

Strips of color flicker on and off through my vision.I’m trying my best not to let my eyes follow the light off to the left, but in they end the..
Through the Mirror - Chapter Four

Through the Mirror - Chapter Four

A Chapter by Paul V

I felt pressure on my neck and I was suddenly awake again, however I was only able to open my eyes once Nat waved her hand over my face.I took a deep ..