Just Charles : Writing

Say Goodbye

Say Goodbye

A Poem by Just Charles

Say Goodbye empathizes with anyone who has been in a relationship. It deals with the rigors of removing oneself from an attachment to a lover. Boy, it..
Into the Arms of Salvation

Into the Arms of Salvation

A Book by Just Charles

Into the Arms of Salvation is the story of two unique souls lost among the average norms of society, and their disapproving parents.


A Chapter by Just Charles

In the prologue, Chase Malone races to see his beloved Lauren.
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Just Charles

Chapter One Chase Malone didn’t want to be there¾it was like trespassing on private property. But it was a public school. P..
The Fireplace

The Fireplace

A Poem by Just Charles

The fireplace evokes so many thoughts.


A Poem by Just Charles

Would someone please med my torment?
I Love it Here

I Love it Here

A Poem by Just Charles

A sarcastic look at the mirror. It can be taken in two ways. One, a description of self-personality traits or a description of family members.


A Poem by Just Charles

Dare is an interesting look into the mind of someone who floats along the lines of insanity.
Reclusive Kid

Reclusive Kid

A Poem by Just Charles

Reclusive kid The music, An escape. A dingy gray hoodie, A scarred individual in my own world. To tune out the horrid sounds of the outside w..
Duty Calls

Duty Calls

A Poem by Just Charles

A call to arms.