About Me
My name is Aurora Johnson. I have been writing short stories and poetry for the last three years, and have a large amount of work that I showcase on my website http://b-s-c.squinty.org.uk/. I began writing simply because I felt that I needed a creative outlet, as everyone in my family is quite artistic, and I began to experiment with different types of creativty; trying to find which one was 'for me'. Writing seemed to stick, and I have been doing it every since. I have been published twice in America, both from entering competitions and making it into the semi-finals of the contests. I write in quite a 'radical' way, although I wouldn't view it that way personally I realise - from attempting to get my work publicised - that other people would view it that way. I do not use capital letters or punctuation in my poetry, unless i feel that a word or sentence needs to have either of these applied to it. I write about a range of topics, and generally do not ponder on my poetry while writing it. I do not sit in front of my computer, as that i where I write, and weigh up the pros and cons of usuing a certain word. I simply write what a want and put whatever comes into my head down, as I believe that the first idea is the greatest. I have a great dislike for rhyme in my poetry; as I like my work to feel as though it has no restrictions, and I believe that rhyme makes the reader see how the work has been created, whereas I do not 'create' my work, I simply sit down and see what comes out.