You Are Not As Alone As You Think!!
Tender beginnings, insatiable feelings,Deferred from nightmares, delivered from dreaming,Honest collaboration, unfolding patience,The station of soulc..
The hope that all is not lostI've fought for it but not at all costsKeeping your endeavors in mind I had to be cautiousI could've lost everything but ..
Give me your empty cup
So I can give you some ice
That's what you ask for
I provide
I want to give you my life
Give me your time
I have a good..
Today I used love, look
Today I used love
I answered your call but
you never called back
Today I used love
Today I used trust
My heart must..
There, in my mind, illusions.
May I resign these thoughts.
Cramming vacations into minutes.
There, the mind, creating work, seeing illusions.
I begin to liveForced to breathe and learn the waysThe forgetfullness of my first crawlThe joy I must've felt during my first stepsConditional love I ..
See me....wanderingSee me...lostSee me...bulges of aggrevationSee my...attempts to get Gods confessionLevels are left undoneTravelling to the site of ..
Through the black holeWisdom unfoldFeminine soul, give them goldThe masculine will be the gloveSpread life in a ring of loveNever ending, always begin..
Will I everbe enough?Someone has to learn from my mistakesPositive change willappear in my lifetimeLove is stable in learning and will hold meSomeone...