Tom Friel : Writing

Beautiful Tree

Beautiful Tree

A Poem by Tom Friel

Sensuously organic, her limbs reach effortlessly towards the stars Stoically she stands firm, though never still, against the gray canvas sky Her in..
Porcelain Shell

Porcelain Shell

A Poem by Tom Friel

How "rich" So lovely Delicately divine You wear it so well Does it make you Feel lighter? Faster? Even translucent? A s..
A Wish To Fly

A Wish To Fly

A Poem by Tom Friel

Bury me in a bright red cape This "Superman" Now rest in state No midnight oil did I burn Life was kind Still I learned To ..
A Cow's Life

A Cow\'s Life

A Poem by Tom Friel

I am but a cow chewing my cud my cud, of contentedness. Laying in the grass (Ahhhhhhhh!) cushioning my a*s my a*s, of contentedness. Swa..
Tommy The Turtle

Tommy The Turtle

A Poem by Tom Friel

I was walking back from “Thisand That” I found a rock and there I sat. Upon the rock alone I stared, beyond the grass I saw a hare..
Small Town Life

Small Town Life

A Poem by Tom Friel

Nostalgic parksand little noise All small towns hold some joy Like Aunt Maryand her pies Or Uncle Jim setting one aside Rows and rows of yellow co..
Saved By The Bell

Saved By The Bell

A Poem by Tom Friel

Something happened On his way to perdition He was lost in a crowd And no one would listen Convinced he was empty His hunger was real He sat on..
They Deserve Better

They Deserve Better

A Story by Tom Friel

They Deserve Better Simply put they are hard working, church-going folk; neighbors from an aging community.The parishioners of St Stanislaus have..
An Illusion

An Illusion

A Poem by Tom Friel

It was An illusion A flesh and blood illusion A walking talking illusion A one-of-a-kind illusion An illusion Filled with hopes Filled with dr..
Being A Genius Is No Small Thing

Being A Genius Is No Small Thing

A Story by Tom Friel

It was easier this time around; the peanut butter had worked perfectly. All of the tinker toys were accounted for and in their proper positions. So ..