A Holiday treat for the Nice;)
Sheets of paper,
a blank canvas,
stares back at me Tauntingly.
Emotions Haunting,
spill forth,
a raging waterfall.
Dangerous are the words that ..
I just want to rest.
Steal a moment in time,
to linger upon your chest.
Listen as our heart beats align.
Rhythms of life.
Breaths slowed.
Giving you,
what you need,
a place of solace,
a sultry retreat.
A wonderous bounty of pleasure
and heat.
A bite of tease,
a nibble of sweet,
The sweet scent of memories mingle with the present.
Our touch sparks sensation,
charges with slow steady motions,
to lips,
hips ..
I look at the reflection that stares back at me.
No sparks of recognition.
No expression,
eyes searching.
The only familiarity are the eyes.
So m..
My mind wanders beyond the clouds into the skies
of heavenly stars as spirits reach out,
some manage to collide.
A gravitational p..
Feelin' frisky, makes a girl wanna play...
Just a fun free flow to bring a spark to your day.
My everything handed over.
All that I have.
My entire being.
So why?
I gave life.
Nutured it with more than mere love.
I went above and beyond..
The bells toll.
The scene slows.
Moments become fragments.
Memories that spurt in and out of my mind.
playing peekaboo with time passed.
The wo..