She kept pulling me down..
We were identical. Her hands clutched mine. The same familiar smooth strong hands were cool, were...wet?
We were submers..
Sunday night has a frisky feel, especially when tomorrow's a day to play. No school, no appointments, no where to go.... Every reason to stay. All my ..
Free Thoughts... As always on the fly... with Mulan playing in the background...
and kids fighting in a tent....:)
Sometimes I can feel the world. It vibrates through my soul. I know that snow is coming... Even though the weather out is merely overcast, yet it is u..
He is unsure.
I know why.
I called him out.
Told him everything would be okay.
I knew what it was about.
A friend I could be,
In any given situation.
I am apt to be
the instigator
of its creation
and the snow ball effect
starts happening.
And why is there this black sol..
Snaring the prey,
a rotten scowl on his face.
I sit back and gaze,
entraced and amazed.
The change of a jackel
His hackles
climb high.
Ridges o..
Just the very tip of a toe.
Barely any contact.
Just a skim of a nudge.
And what was calm clear and plain,
becomes another form,
comes to l..
The day has started
something new brews
a thought bursts in a thousand directions.
A mind is amused.
The sky is clear.
The sound reaches my ears...