Please don't ever say it can't get worse.
The worst is over is just as painful,
when something else comes to take your breath away,
and you are l..
Take a journey with me for a while.
Tip toeing across lines in the sand,
I drew them but feel the need to cross over,
so take my hand.
I have th..
I am beginning to feel as if
I have been rendered,
I grieved, in private.
With a dear friend.
I blurted it out here for all ..
Stealing time,
time has robbed,
time has been squadered,
time has been lost...
Yet time is Gift.
Time to feel,
love, live.
Time does give.
Time does wrap,does warp,does spin,never knowing when yours is at an end.Drifting,wandering,willfully and strong,I plunge along,my own tune always,I b..
My 2nd father, the reasonable voice in my head, the love that only spreads through me,
This is for you.
Read or not read..
I don't really give a F**k.
I am sorry to say Anger will have to do.
I can not f*****g more,
for there is too much s**t to do.
I want to scream.I want to be angry.But I knew what he wanted and none of that will do.God reclaimed an Angel yesterday,and I know it.I hear My father..
Just have to write for therapy's sake.
My Angel sang a lullaby to me today.
Of a Princess whom her loved quite dearly.
His sweet voice reached me through the cloudy day.
My Angel fle..