She discovers the Conch shell...Remembers she found it in the crystal waters,The Beach!!!Her eyes grow wide with the pleasure as the Ocean roars, from..
Inspired by a Song by MS MR
one that has such depth and meaning that many others can relate to it through metaphor....
Beauty,spread sporadically,beneath the clarity,the water's painted pictures,'neath the shimmering sea....Lighting up a child's face,in awe, as her att..
Free flowing
never all knowing
but Always,
Ringing ears,stabbing linguistic acousticsThe re-verbthe amplifying of syllablestoo sharp,as one is swiftly takenUNAWARES.....Their demonic dance of w..
Truths may set you free
But some may freak you out...
Either way I rather live in truth
Lies are for the ignorant
I found myself remembering through the words of a dear friend...
Times lost to the Ancient World, A world that still exists in me,
every bit of what..
Life....A precious gift,an amazing experience,known most by a Butterfly.Once she has shed her cocoon,has found the beauty in her Soul,she flutters in ..
Dedicated to Tate Morgan,
A dear & precious friend to me who is the embodiment of all that is Light and Love.
Wings that flutter fierce,only traces seen,a blur of her flight.Zipping from flower to flowerunpredictably zoomingher spirit along.....My eyes catch h..