Courtney M Watson : Writing

A Song For Saturday

A Song For Saturday

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

the perches for folks who laugh and sing, at thoughtful jokes
 Crazy Aunt Curry

Crazy Aunt Curry

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

nothing good ever came from a branch stuck in the window of your aunt's house
New Love

New Love

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

And I shout to the treetops, I am in love.
SLAM: A Vision

SLAM: A Vision

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

Take this vision, and turn it into the wishes, the ambitions, the soul decision, to live life, to be right, to let go of all that is vicious.
His Majesty

His Majesty

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

"your social god keeps you swollen eyed"
As A Balloon Passed By

As A Balloon Passed By

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

holding back the fray of mind. I was always a dreamer, never taught how to open my eyes.


A Poem by Courtney M Watson

I will love you then.
Dear Undear

Dear Undear

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

Your sins be dark, your heart be grey, and all the world's love does leave you
Youth Verse

Youth Verse

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

I wish you a life much better
Loving Strangers

Loving Strangers

A Poem by Courtney M Watson

Its sick and twisted, rotten and cold addicted to someone I never knew.