Please tell me
the thing you disliked the most about me,
because all I ever asked
was to feel your arms around me.
I let my heart go,
When you feel constantly unseen by the world. "See my soul"
& I did.
For it is I that hath been beaten
held like a bird by the foot,
cradled by claws
'til my final killing come.
Nostalgia of summers in Oregon, riding with my Grandfather on his Harley to the mini store to get ice creams and sodas.
I wish I was made of windows,so you could see right through me.I’m drowning in this muck,what mud!& nobody can view me.I am, I live,I love &..
No one cares,
you're a lost cause.
Emptied their wallets,
found no odds.
& I reach for the stars,
that were always mine.
I smile
as the sea takes me
in my tangled glory.
They came by Nile during the day,
to benefit the wrong-love.
This wicked, she stands
a mosquitoed mouth
burrowed in victims
swallowing shouts.