Sami Geiger : Writing

Hands Down

Hands Down

A Story by Sami Geiger

I am adding myself to this drama.To take in what everyone says about me.I am adding myself to hear that when teens commit suicide daily,It makes me re..
A little

A little

A Story by Sami Geiger

I am hurt so much inside from the wound my father gave me, leaving my family making me moved 3,000 miles away. My mother doesnt understand. It hurts t..
My Aria

My Aria

A Poem by Sami Geiger

So true.
Poor little rich girl

Poor little rich girl

A Poem by Sami Geiger

My dad never sees mewhen he does he brings me somethingand says. "keep this as a reminder of me"My dad left me, my sister, and my momwe moved 3,000 mi..
This is the way things are now.

This is the way things are now.

A Story by Sami Geiger

There are day where people are really mean and they backstab you in the back. After you were their best friend and you know all of their secrets. You ..
Leave my family out of it

Leave my family out of it

A Poem by Sami Geiger

The Truth about my Life


A Poem by Sami Geiger

This poor little baby didn't even have a chance.His mother who is 14 instantly killed him and hid him. This mother is being charged. Her mother, who f..


A Poem by Sami Geiger

Based on a true story.. My friend Elena went missing on May 25, 2011 and hasn't been found since.
Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel.

A Poem by Sami Geiger

She has brown eyes.She has the cutest blond curly hair.She has thetiniest little pink toes.She has the little smirk.She's the only thing in life that ..


A Story by Sami Geiger

These days there are girls.Mean GirlsRude as Hell GirlsBitchesEveryone has one of these girls in their lives.And I know it's hard to deal with.Texts.R..

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