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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

To be really honest, I kinda hate these boxes where you're supposed to 'tell us who you are!' First of all, I never know what to write in there. Second, I don't really fit in a box...

But here goes anyway.

Words are my life. I read, I write, I play theater, I teach in theater school, I study languages, I teach verbal education. Words have always been the air I breathe. When I was a kid, my parents punished me with 'no books for a week'. Then I had to read in secret. We used to go to the library every Saturday, me and my siblings. Each could take home five books. By the time we got home, I'd announce to my mom we had to go book, because my books were finished. By Saturday night, I'd have finished those of the others as well. Nowadays the pace has slowed down a bit, and my field of action has enlarged. Today, I often don't find enough time to read because I'm busy studying for my language classes or adapting plays to show with my pupils in theater school. Writing is another thing I don't have enough time for. But ever so often, things just have to come out, and they usually do so on paper.

So I think I shall like it over here. Give me some time to explore, and I'm sure many great finds lie ahead of me.

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