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Many believe that whatever situations have happened in the past should be left in the past. To others, the past holds a special place in their hearts because it has helped in shaping the person they have become today. One should always appreciate his or her ancestors and the struggles they have gone through throughout history such as slavery in order to bring us to where we are today. Though negativity can affect past experiences one should not dwell on it, but learn to move forward and look for the positive aspects of life. Without the past there wouldn't be any great myths, any personal memories, and nothing for our future generations to learn from. Past experiences also helps people to learn from their mistakes in the past so they will know not to repeat them. One should also remember the good memories that the past has brought forth and should learn to appreciate them and the people who helped us to gain them (Maya Angelou).
As Angelou says “One should always appreciate his or her ancestors and the struggles they have gone through throughout history in order to bring us to where we are today.“ I appreciate my friends for all the things they do for me and how they help me when I make mistakes, or call me when they know something is wrong.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Wow, I thank you for your faith in me, especially because often I have such little faith in myself! Cheers. x-Falling Leaf