Here's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 15, 2014:
How long will you mourn?
#timetomoveon #letitgo
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Here's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 14, 2014:
Are you having a day where you really want to run away?
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Here's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 11, 2014:
Am I hurting myself by holding on to resentment?
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Here's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 10, 2014:
What’s wrong with wanting to know what my prodigal is doing?
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Here's our new Precious Prodigal post for July 9, 2014:
It's not about you.
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Here's our Precious Prodigal post for July 8, 2014:
Am I pole vaulting over mouse turds instead of having joy?
#wrongfocus #choosejoy
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Here's Rita's new Precious Prodigal post for July 7, 2014:
Can someone please tell me how to fix my prodigal?
#trustGod #letitgo
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July 04, 2014:
What is the solution to America’s problems?
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July 3, 2014:
How can I help but grumble when I'm hurting in the wilderness?
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July 2, 2014:
Who's to blame for the things my prodigal is doing?
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