Here's the Precious Prodigal post for September 3, 2014:
Is my troubled heart stealing my joy?
#troubledheart #stolenjoy
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Here's our Precious Prodigal post for September 2, 2014:
Are my expectations stealing my joy?
#brokenpeople #letitgo
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Here's the Precious Prodigal post for September 1, 2014:
Is it God's plans for us to have joy in our lives?
#choosejoy #Godsplan
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Here's the Precious Prodigal post for August 22, 2014:
Don’t quit before the miracle happens.
#trustGod #stayfaithful
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Here's the Precious Prodigal post- August 21, 2014:
How can God’s purpose be accomplished in the life of my prodigal?
#Godsplan #Godspurpose
Here's the Precious Prodigal post for August 20, 2014:
How can my broken heart possibly help anyone?
#reachingout #helpingothers
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Here's the Precious Prodigal post: August 19, 2014:
How can you expect me to have joy when my heart is breaking?
#abundantlife ..
Here's the Precious Prodigal post for August 18, 2014:
This isn’t how I thought my life would turn out!
#Godsplan #notmywill
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Here's the Precious Prodigal post: August 15, 2014:
Why do I need totake care of myself in the wilderness?
#selfcare #strengthforthejourney
Here's the Precious Prodigal post: August 14, 2014:
Why is there anything wrong with being self-sufficient?
#weneedfriends #notalone
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