Praiser : Writing

Through me I live to tell death I cant die

Through me I live to tell death I cant die

A Poem by Praiser

I cried were my tears wereimpress When man cry out to God hell gets cold Even tho my heart was broken them tears was laid to theslidto rest Thes..
A Song for your Valentine

A Song for your Valentine

A Poem by Praiser

Sorry this was Late
Buried Confessions to live forever

Buried Confessions to live forever

A Poem by Praiser

Pride .... Is just a Swaggerthats to hard to cry Redemption Where Selfness is..... UnbalanceFrustration, Refractory to not hear the truth Dreaming..
A Friendshipe that will never Die

A Friendshipe that will never Die

A Poem by Praiser

In love Memeory of DeQunicy Duane McCoy 7/23/1975 To 10/2/2006 my best friend that died of AIDS This is A Poem to all the Aids Victim
Be Caution

Be Caution

A Poem by Praiser

This warning How deep will you inner seed with these words That without God, everything is unname Where darkness tell me, not even A coma can slee..
A Challenge for Discussion

A Challenge for Discussion

A Poem by Praiser

Let me take offthese feeling Where your mind cant broad cast these desire Where A storm miss, to Identify what love stand for A women looks for ti..
Prophetic Spoken

Prophetic Spoken

A Poem by Praiser

A Divorce is just arugument that not finsh to complete ,what being togther cant hold A Incomplete Sentence that look for separation that`s divide not..
Watering the root of your Issue

Watering the root of your Issue

A Poem by Praiser

How many Iullison shell we continue to speak Tooffend magic that the word of God is not true Forchange we won`t give into To look different for pe..
To my Critics who Criticize there self

To my Critics who Criticize there self

A Poem by Praiser

My Assignment to share God words through my poetry and danceI have offend some people knowledge and belief that the system of God is not the Kingdom b..
Between Lovers

Between Lovers

A Poem by Praiser

A Poem by Celeste21 " A collaboration "