Michael : Writing

shades of the season

shades of the season

A Poem by Michael

On seeing Red Oaks in Autumn amidst all the green English oaks. I chose Haiku as the format because it links into the time of year.
Marking the passing

Marking the passing

A Poem by Michael

A poem inspired by the memorial benches I see on my dog walks
To have and have not

To have and have not

A Poem by Michael

Of becoming joined at the soul but parted by the physical
Short #1

Short #1

A Poem by Michael

To say something in brief not necessarily rhymed
Ode to Oak and Acorn

Ode to Oak and Acorn

A Poem by Michael

Based on Keatsian Ode structure ABABCDECDE x3 Stanzas
Daily battle

Daily battle

A Poem by Michael

Woke up and thought about gravity, dark mornings and getting out of bed.
Starts and ends

Starts and ends

A Poem by Michael

Trust yourself, keep going, don't let others distract you or bring you down.
Dog #1

Dog #1

A Poem by Michael

Thoughts on my relationship with the dog - #1
On John's passing

On John's passing

A Poem by Michael

Thoughts on the passing of my father.

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