I"m calling for help.Maybe not physically,but you can bet, mentally.I'm soul is broken.My bones are ever so weak,From the twisted journey I've taken.L..
Spring was full of love and insincerity.The beginning of a wonderful relationship.Summer was full of hugs and kisses,There were plenty of X's and O's...
We would talk,day and night.Day after day,For many weeks.But then we stopped talking,I tried so hard for you to respond.But did you?No.I text you afte..
I'm tired of drama.I'm tired of gossip.Who are my real friends?I'm tired of lies.I'm tired of faking.Who are my real friends?I'm tired of guessing,Who..
My story,You'll never understand.My thoughts,You'll never know why i thought them.My actions,You'll wonder how I live on.My life,'You'll ask how I con..
"OH MY GOSH HE KISSED ME!"Sometimes I Just Don't Care."We're Dating! Yay!"Sometimes I Just Don't Care.When you've been dating boy after boy,And kissin..
When I was a little girl,Daddy was barely ever home.Momma said he was fighting for our Country.He puta roof over our heads, and food on our platesBut ..
Everyone seems to know,Where they stand, where they belong.There's the cutest couple walking past me in school.There's the smartest people in the seve..
"I can't wait till prom, Julia!" sqeaked Kayla."I wonder if anyone is going to ask us... And maybe who it would be..? I'm just so excited!" JUlia sqea..
A place,A place better than your wildest dream.A place,A place with everything you could ever dream of.A place,A place with everything you love.A plac..