Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)


Okay so, I've been absent from WC for so long. I'll try to upload some new stuff soon

Zyeane, AZ
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About Me

Hey, I'm not active here anymore. I'm mainly using this account to use as a way to keep my buddies who wrote Mystic Academy updated about its editing process, and any other update things for it (even if they all left here, I still think it’d be good in case anyone comes back like me)
If you want to find my current writing, you can follow my AO3 accounts
Fan fic: TrainerHarmony (mostly filled with VaNoé fics)
Original Stories (+Mystic Academy): Sarah_H (mostly filled with my The Fallen story characters)


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Posted 10 Years Ago

I have no idea if they're your type though :/ Might also be confusing (fan fiction wise) since idk if your familiar/caught-up with the fandoms I normally write for?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

How about a story about Pirates? One day the ship finds a stow-away on board and have to decide whether to let them stay or make them walk the plank. Person may or may-not have info about something important to the captain.

Or maybe you could write a story about the aftermath or a earth-quake(or invasion?) and all characters getting separated and struggling to survive(perhaps meeting love-interest along the way? or keep it friendship)

Or something fluffy like have it with main person A loses their note-book and it's picked up by someone they admire and person B find out that there are all these stories/poetry/music/art in the note-book and they're really good. They set out to find person A, very eager to meet them(or perhaps they already know each other and person B doesn't make the connection)

That help at all?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hmmm... want me to prompt you or something? would that help?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hey lovely! What stories are cooking in that brain of yours?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Aww, you flatter me. When I can, I will look at yours.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you for the reviews.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

thank u

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Posted 11 Years Ago

this has been nagging at me for a while now...but u spelled Njall wrong. The A's correct, i just can't type it on my keyboard unless its in word but u spell it Njáll

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Awww i'm second -_- oh well like i sometimes but not really but occasionally say: one's the worst (not in your case Hungry One, I bet your awesome its just a rhyme) two's the best, three's the one with the hairy chest!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Ello beautiful! yay I get to be the first to EVER comment!