Hello. My name is Jillian Alexis, and I want to thank everyone for visiting my page, reading my work, and leaving comments. Writing is not only something I do, it is actually who I am. I give GOD all the Praise, Glory, and Credit, for blessing me with the "gift of words." I pray that I use this talent for GOD'S Glory. I am a 51 year old Divorce', with 4 Children and 6 Grandchildren. I am very family oriented, and would do anything and everything I could for my family and friends. I am a Published Author, and my books...THROUGH HER EYES...& TEARS FROM HER HEART...are available through...AMAZON.COM/ BARNES & NOBLE/ and TARGET.COM. They are also available throughout Europe and the UK. I signed a 7 year contract with Publish America, and already have my next 3 books written. My third book...TORN...will be out by early Fall. I do not write to become famous or wealthy, I write to be a blessing to others. I am a Junior in college...earning my BA in Psychology. I will be graduating in 2013. I am an avid, animal lover, and a woman of many passions. I love to ride Horses, and one day hope to own a Horse Ranch. I also enjoy Fishing, Hiking, Obtaining Knowledge, Interior Decorating, Cake Decorating, A challenging game of Chess...to name a few of my passion's. I am proud to say that...I am a Christian, walking through this life on my way to Heaven. I am not Religious, I am a Christian, and there is a huge difference. I love making new friends, and enjoy this site very much. God bless you all...Jillian
What's YOUR Writing Style?

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!
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