The brow will furrowbut eyes are bright in thought:pensive and relish.
Oh Gravitas,dearest vineyard SpringAvalon mists and quietudeon high Everest summitclarityOh winsome loverhow all your breezes kissingcool on my young ..
"And all I have are the embers of your fires..."A Tambourine, and the evening is beckoningthrough the distanceof time : a serpentine road / echoesthe ..
BLEEDINGWhen broken feels rawas a throbbing from a cut,truth must weep as deep.CLARITYTears are no longerloose and quick to disarrayhow sight understa..
Doesnot need to be neitherwhether dark,milk, white orAndes' mint greenerthey all are pleasantin featurelikesmooth footsteps upon the tongueplush / swe..
Within this jungle, which is oursI ride the back of Thunder-cloud, my friendAround and through the thicketsthick banyan trees & palm fruit fallen ..
MidtermWinterAmpleSweaters Through our midterms, we now have winter Globe's ample warming--must haves: sweaters.
TourDe forceof natureLady songstressHow all her babies go "Gaga" for more!
Aidaon stage,brown queen's divine voice must climb,for love redefines.
Permanent ink stainsthe skin hidden in your sleeves:"One Eight Hundred - Guilt."