Butch Decatoria : Writing

CONFUCIUS (Buddisms) #5

CONFUCIUS (Buddisms) #5

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

You are a pebbledropped in the pond of Life, allstorms are your ripples...
TSUNAMI (Haiku Senryu)

TSUNAMI (Haiku Senryu)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

Death's devastatingchaos - drowns all the pettyfights and last concerns.
CALIENTE (Senryu Haiku)

CALIENTE (Senryu Haiku)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

Like the chili seedher words burn and love makingkeeps warm fires lit.
CONFUCIUS (Buddisms) #7

CONFUCIUS (Buddisms) #7

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

It is said "Life is short"but in truth Life's very tall"Be" a good giant.NOTE--ACTUAL CONFUCIUS QUOTES:Everything has its beauty, but not everyone see..
NEEDY (Senryu Haiku)

NEEDY (Senryu Haiku)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

Shadows stabbing wishwith claws pining on chalkboards,Obsession's lovechild.
THE STRIP (Spoken Word)

THE STRIP (Spoken Word)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

What happens ... As the I-15 climbs the sierra hills the surrounding desert bush tumble dried scenic route Bolder Northward to Boulder City the..
ATrophy (Senryu, Haiku)

ATrophy (Senryu, Haiku)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

Concussed by the "Bus."No Heisman posed CT scan.J E L L O.
'CUZ LOVE IS WISE (SpokenWord#9)

'CUZ LOVE IS WISE (SpokenWord#9)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

The love of parents may not liesince Love is wiseand theirs keeps an eyeand their words are of instructionWhen--Where--If--And"How the Amway are you?"..
REVEILLE (SpokenWord#10)

REVEILLE (SpokenWord#10)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

The Streets are my BoulevardHow luxurious Freedom ringsRodeo Drive"Never heard of such a place?"Its my libertyto feel safe, my Rightfor peace of mindt..
CHAMPAGNE (Senryu Haiku)

CHAMPAGNE (Senryu Haiku)

A Poem by Butch Decatoria

Fizzle Bubbly'sTickling rise to the top.Rich Tasting Kisses.