I wrote this when I was going through a rough period with a very good friend. She meant too much to me to lose her, so I wrote this for her. We are ..
This is my newest piece of writing thus far. I don't know whether to call it poem or a story, though. I guess it is sort of both. Lol. What do you..
This is yet another song that I'm not sure whether or not is finished.
I wrote this on two different days. I always try to indicate the dates of my writings. You'll notice where the first part ends and the second part b..
As you can see, this really isn't a poem. WritersCafe needs to have an option for lyrics! So far, this is kind of short, though... so I don't think ..
We've all had those nights where we just couldn't fall asleep! Well, this is one of them! The rhyming scheme is: a,a,b,b,c,c,e,e,e.
This poem is a humorous riddle! TRY NOT TO LOOK AT THE LAST LINE so as not to spoil the answer to the riddle! :) The rhyming scheme (with the last t..
This poem is a cross between frustration and light-hearted humor! The rhyming scheme is: a,a,b,b,c,c,d,d,e,e,f,f.
I wrote this during a time when I was feeling very troubled. The rhyming scheme (with the first four lines counting as one) is: a,b,c,c,d,d,e,d,e,f,f..