The two gray roses are me and my best friend she is my sister and we knew each other since kindergarten.
coming up from behind,without warning,someonehas grabbed you from behind,your dragged like a dead body,when you get tossed in something,your hands hav..
Everything you thoughtI would be,I'm not,it'sok to be different
blowing up the stage,witha step i'm singing withoutknowing it,walking aroundthe stage people yelling atme and taking pictures,wheream I,posters with a..
Every step is change in mylife,which way should I take,thinking about the roadsahead,left or right peopletalking to me saying take thisway,nervous of ..
Can't you see that you have mademe more aware,changing my life,but are these good changes,I wasa nobody before I bumped intoyou,I dropped my papers an..
Don't want to follow rules,running away,a girl who cannot feel any form of pain,many cuts and many scrapes,walking around like a blindperson,but how s..
My blood is deep red,I like tolook at it,pour it in a champagneglass and sit in a dark room,night time is feeding time,lurking around in the backgroun..
A black rose blooming in the concrete,no one to help it stand just tallfigures to step on it,why am I differentfrom the rest,nothing but the dry sunan..
what's important about me wheni'm a piece of trash,no oneunderstands me,neither does thesun,I belong to the darkness deepin my heart,the chilly breeze..