Pitbull1000 : Writing

Open all hours

Open all hours

A Story by Pitbull1000

Mike Stevens left the house as the rain sat in, falling hard on his clothes and hair. It was seven am, Monday morning, and the usual time he would s..
Open all hours

Open all hours

A Story by Pitbull1000

Mike Stevens left the house as the rain sat in, falling hard on his clothes and hair. It was seven am, Monday morning, the usual time he would see h..


A Story by Pitbull1000

Redge sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the window, listened to the sound of the mid-morning traffic, a truck roaring passed, the sound ..


A Story by Pitbull1000

Ed walked the long road west, along the track he would always come after his shift at Ruth-Anne’s convenience store, the sun almost down, ..
Ditty: tribute

Ditty: tribute

A Poem by Pitbull1000

She looked up at the bus driver, then back out the window, at the night, at the neighbourhood going past, then at the other passengers, and it sudde..


A Story by Pitbull1000

Ned could smell the incense from down the street. He wondered when the new fortune telling business came into the neighbourhood, and then how he had..


A Story by Pitbull1000

The sunlight fell on her neck, revealed a handsome woman with long hair. She wore a red floral dress that would have been appropriate a hundred years..
The sunlight fell upon his hands

The sunlight fell upon his hands

A Story by Pitbull1000

The sunlight fell upon his hands. He felt the warmth extend up his arms, the blood growing in his biceps, triceps, his shoulders, his heart. He ..


A Story by Pitbull1000

She woke and looked out the window. Snow coming down in shoots, white lines demarcating a blank skyline, streaming down a silent world behind the gla..
The Virus

The Virus

A Story by Pitbull1000

He woke in the night, dreaming of the old days, back before the virus, before The New World. It had all begun with The Great Transformation. T..