Pippa Stoneheart

Pippa Stoneheart


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Boston, MA
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I am Pippa Stoneheart, the soon-to-be phenomenal, anonymous online writer.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for the comment, Pippa. The key to writing poetry is having a large vocabulary, whether you're planning on rhyming or not. I think it takes an extremely clever poet to make rhyming work, so I consider my talent for non-rhyming emotional-splatter poetry to be rather modest in comparison to a successful rhymer.

If you want to write something without rhyming try writing a journal entry about something important to you, something that is particularly emotional to you. Write it at length at first, then go back through each sentence and try to find a way to combine it with the next. Cut every word that doesn't matter and just keep smooshing it together without removing the emotion and the necessities. When you're down to the minimum get a fresh sheet of paper and start transferring little stunted lines of pure "yes" from your journal. And use a thesaurus - - I can't stress that resource enough.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

saying a prayer for your grandma...hope everything is ok.xoxo