Philosopher King

Philosopher King


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Throughout the I.E. , CA
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About Me

'Life is a perpetual war. Therefore, the only thing you should concern yourselves with is whether you've equipped for the occasion.'

I've been an avid writer ever since I was a kid. I study political science and classical history and love weaving them into my stories. I'm particularly interested in the political ideas that get people killed. I have just recently completed a 96 page thesis on the political theory of Italian fascism that will be admitted into my college's library for all to read. It is only one of a three part series I hope to complete over my college career and get published into a book (I see learning German and Spanish in my future). I not only like studying the ideas of the right, but also of the left. Communism, Socialism and even Wahhabism I find fascinating. World War II particularly fascinating because it was one of the only times in Western History where people were willing to fight and die in what they believed in. I also like classical studies. I think I'm half way between Greece and Rome, but in reality, I love both for different reasons. I also find the Persian empire fascinating and hope to explore that side of history one day too.

Well enjoy my writings. I at least try to put some intellectual flavor in them instead of giving my audience bland story telling.