October 5th, 2018 Sit down and I will try to tell you everything I know. There will be gaps in the story and many facts may seem to contradict one ano..
Saturday October 6th, 2018PART I- ADAM I don't want to go to grampa's. He's boring and he smells like dry farts." Adam, be nice! Your father and I are..
Monday October 8th, 2018 Where are we? Grace is staring into a southwestern tile fireplace. Her arm is outstretched. Her fingers caress the symbols. H..
The soil was soft and sticky, the consistency of tobacco-tar. It collected poison from the atmosphere and clung aggressively to anything it touched. ..
The Stars Unstuck is an excerpt chapter from my upcoming book Attack Of The Stone Lava Beasts, a series of adventure stories starring Captain Uli Sull..
I sat upon a wooded ship and listenedAs Spring favored her birdsLike pearls before EasterThey sang and dancedAnd sparkledUntil all were jealousAnd plo..
Wind and Time share family traits, but Wind wandered the land as it pleased, shooing chickens and lifting the skirts of maidens, to their beautiful e..
The thought passed and I was right back where I started, not starting. She walked in a limp toward the car and I begged her to slow down, take her ti..
Since we met, I have had no other focus. Reason has turned to a thick fog that blocks out certain letters on the interstate, sending me careening dow..
She place the stone onto my hand. It was far heavier than its size let on. I hefted it a few times and thought about its purpose. Who could have crea..