Treachery of HandsI have a scarring mass of tiny marksall along the heartline of my handsI read them with a restless need to purgethe disappointment o..
you find a word and drop the vowelan o couplet comes rolling outO' eloquence, O' Elixirno need to hide beneath the chairdemure the molecules of soundt..
One small gray view agothe window offered up her panebland sharp with peacockrain stained tintsa view that bred a restlessnessa church of feelings, sm..
walking ocean side in wet, packed sandI was struck dumb by a wave -forgetting how drenching giantswould leap suddenly to shorein a waterlogged flash, ..
when the world sitsher knees rise like mountainsprophets trace life linesbetween her legsin these exclusive momentsshe agonizes about workbut settlesh..
The sea holds a reputation, choppy,frothy, unaccountable, and diversebut I cannot be worriedwith the futility of thatA quiet gull fancies my shoulderA..
Drink the richest burgundy and age yourselfwith the swift changes of mirrorsliding into one stage after anotherSome days the wind pleats the drapesthr..
This year was a black snake riverI waded in hips boots. Morning kept whispering, birds in brownish longingsang soft and far awaywomen rode to town wav..