Phibby Venable : Writing

The One With Violets In Her Lap

The One With Violets In Her Lap

A Poem by Phibby Venable

- the one with violets in her lap ( fragment 21) Sappho
- but all is to be dared, because even a person of poverty

- but all is to be dared, because even a person of..

A Poem by Phibby Venable

Fragment 31,,fragments from Sappho
The Runner

The Runner

A Story by Phibby Venable

The Runner The retirement home was quiet, except for an occasional elderly shuffle down the hall. It was ten a.m. and everyone had been fed and usher..
By Now The Red Sun

By Now The Red Sun

A Poem by Phibby Venable

By Now The Red SunBy now the red sun rise should be borderingthe outskirts of dark sea.There should be white ruffled wavesmoving just beyond the gray,..
Ghost Whisperers Once Walked the Earth

Ghost Whisperers Once Walked the Earth

A Poem by Phibby Venable

trying to write a Villanelle


A Poem by Phibby Venable

A Salvation With DandelionsBright bold girls with yellow hair,that cross the dance floor first.The dandelions in wind songs sway,across the yards of e..
The Mosey

The Mosey

A Poem by Phibby Venable

The MoseyThere goes the old womanto wash the pews at the white church.Nearby an old man slowly turnsthe earth up into the air.There is a dowager movin..
In The Kitchen of Angelo

In The Kitchen of Angelo

A Poem by Phibby Venable

In The Kitchen of AngeloIn the kitchen of Angelo,the olives roll their blood shot eyes in the jar,the bread swells in clean curved slices, and chosen ..
The Play

The Play

A Story by Phibby Venable

another lonely, snowy night!
hung over

hung over

A Poem by Phibby Venable

hung overthere you are, your face moving waterthe postman fiddling letters from your fansand you are depressed againyou are spitting out companionsin ..