Some place, perhaps nearby,the waves high five the beach,a thunderous, joyful rush,as the sea swiftly withdraws in a cleansing of cool triumphI wonder..
This morning is a thunderstormof lightning in high jumpsflashing across the silent peaksof mountains that hold their ownThe air is alive in a respirat..
i am always losing things the small town i grew up in shrank beyond hand's reach my first kaleidoscope left with a daisy chain in the grass i lost my..
Rain is still falling and we are cellmates abandoned in this false landscape of the dead now more alive than the living Lily, Stella, Paggie, chatte..
This door was never hung properly to begin with, so my bedroom opens to a back stab of wounds I wade again & again & call it love - though l..
I place you in a firmamentand you fall outa cornucopia of good intentionsthat stray sideways and spillinto this rural settingTogether we meanderinto t..
Wild fern, unflowerable, rugged with rootsIn my country you ride a hard windin a fragile darkness of greenerylooking small before the sunYou seem so l..
I was better at loving horses
A pension's worth of gentleness
graced their large eyes
and they were curious at conversation
so I spoke q..
In this poem, a bird rides the back of a plane, exerts little effort, stares into the sky, naming the famous faces he finds in cloud formationsDown be..
It is too dark to see the nightShadows sharpen and expand,a cover up against the moonIt is too dark to see myselfmy eyes pretend to welcome blackMy th..