Perdition : Writing

Laughing with the madman

Laughing with the madman

A Poem by Perdition

It's not when you're undefined or when they come to you ill concerned or unreliable disturbed by the presence in your truth A mind filled in its..
Never the same

Never the same

A Poem by Perdition

Thencame the hourof wounded lightwhenall was goneportioned to recurrent voiceswhere the stars would embrace their endas if to wrong the right deranged..


A Poem by Perdition

I thinkI've finally fallen into itor maybe I've just gone madMaybe I've just become the reflection ofthis cricketThe chirping ancillarywater soundsBea..
Among the wildflower

Among the wildflower

A Poem by Perdition

Come with mecome awhileamongthe wild reeds and bursts ofgeese in alltheir wings in offeringsWe’ll set a bedof nettlesof leaves and smaller thing..
What I Remember

What I Remember

A Poem by Perdition

I came here when the walls were still wetsilhouettes of Ezra lingered 'bout the hallsand the cafè had just openedI remember the scentfresh new ..
Sometimes when you ask

Sometimes when you ask

A Poem by Perdition

Sometimes when you askI study the backsteps,the treasures from my dayplaces where you've taken meand whySometimesI study the mountainsformed within my..
On a quiet road

On a quiet road

A Poem by Perdition

It was a quiet roadpages and led, clouds driftingthe number eleven following us close behindgiant gray moth and holidays with wings wide spreadyou sai..


A Poem by Perdition

I'll share with you adream I hadsweetly,our bodies pure, poured inthe silver drops of autumn rainas closely I held youThe window slipped in cloudspres..
Of Time and Paine

Of Time and Paine

A Poem by Perdition

Recollection of how I felt after the first read of "The Age of Reason" by Mr. Paine. all too many, many years ago. "Human...all too human"


A Poem by Perdition

Then once I becamethe pageI tore away my veilstained mysheets with madnessForfeiting the right pill of prisonthe assurant white crescent death without..