Perdition : Writing

La pluie a construit sa maison en toi, Mon Amour

La pluie a construit sa maison en toi, Mon Amour

A Poem by Perdition

Drawing backin a mesh of disease,puddling Sunday's memory,I remember being ofthe ill as the pleased with being bothmisunderstood asunderwhelmedLions l..
Conversational Wood

Conversational Wood

A Poem by Perdition

What runs from these moments, leaning in to adjust towards the sun, serving in to settle on a sum of steel, a hood then sixteen surely it was never me..


A Poem by Perdition

This may change...though I should doubt it. Oh, and Happy New Year to all in appreciation for always such my inspiration
Pittance from the sleeve

Pittance from the sleeve

A Poem by Perdition

Bottles and midnight tilt in candled opera light across my cold and colorless room..all sins here unfold and have forgotten, as with the daystoo far f..


A Poem by Perdition

Slight hipped in pathologythe ocean patterns mesand-scorched, sound fossilbrims of pregnancywhere blood and day formswhere the severance rainsconcrete..


A Poem by Perdition

Ever so casuallyit happensVeins split into fingerprintsa sieve punctures the heart andbulleted thoughts are followedThe horroring crash ofeverythingyo..
Some other way

Some other way

A Poem by Perdition

Let’s leave,you and Inot leavecome winterweaved as ripple thoughtsdust on painter's walls for lifeto greetLet’s walk,as would the rain, in..
More than just a life

More than just a life

A Poem by Perdition

There was a life I recall, it was more than just a page, more than just the wild nature of youth. More than just hands fevered into sunlight, ions p..


A Poem by Perdition

To make some distance by end, your life, a voice, the sound of breaking glass, our world, the wilderness of water abortion and the sun barely risen fr..
All from all

All from all

A Poem by Perdition

Come high thewater, or grain van gogh colored plainscome its sin, come distanceThe spear in scruff to strugglecome the gavel or the charmthe hard enou..

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