


Drinking up the universe just as quick as I can

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About Me

If I remain beyond the hour, I'll try and bring more, but more to the barrel of truth, as noble and silent as I can muster and for those who may not know, I chose long ago to use this name "Perdition" because I felt it fit the process of our deepest passion here.. Poetry. If you came looking or thinking that I must be something in an evil sway, you have the wrong poet. The process can and should be both maddening and a living hell, a damnation of sorts, but it's also the greatest gift we've ever chosen. Love it well and keep on writing
Otherwise, I defer you to Mr. Cobain, and of course, I include myself although I tend to write at other places such as in the mountains, so please forgive, should I disappear for a spell:


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Posted 4 Weeks Ago

Hey, Bro.

What's up in Virginia, tonight?

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Posted 2 Months Ago

Hey, just wanted you to that I still care. Don't get lost in the maddness. It can be easy to do, take it from me.....I know, very well, how easy it can be. Take care of yourself, to the best of your abilities. 💖 Okay??? 🤝

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Posted 4 Months Ago

Congrats on being Top Writer, my friend!

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Good morning, friend.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Do I have to go to work? 😞 Please say no.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Well, hello there.

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Posted 1 Year Ago


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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hello. :))

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Posted 1 Year Ago

You seem like you are feeling better.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

It's 9/11.