My Work-In-Progress, Buried Past, set in 1800-03 in a fictional town near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
My Work-In-Progress, Buried Past, set in 1800-03 in a fictional town near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
My Work-In-Progress, Buried Past, set in 1800-03 in a fictional town near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This scene introduces Main Character, Johannes M..
My Work-In-Progress, Buried Past, set in 1800-03 in a fictional town near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This scene introduces Main Character, Johannes M..
A true account of molestation in the Temple Hill district of Paterson, NJ. Retitled Snakes In My Garden, this is the 1st Installment of a 5-part serie..
An excerpt from a 2002 Writer's Digest contest submission. It can found in its current version on my blog [ http://trying2findrene.wordpress.com ..
Written in 2005 for a future newsletter I want to create to inspire, encourage and, sadly, to earn money.
A real life rant about the absence of love.
Written for Social Workers everywhere!
We all must travel IT,IT can be lived reluctantly or with joy,IT can be lived blindly or with purpose,God created IT,New Agers think we can recreate I..