Meet Gwyneth, HRH the Duchess of Sussex. She is a daddy's girl. A princess. She always gets her way, no matter the cost. She about to divorce from the..
We are consumed daily with technology. What happens when the technology takes over?
Its entity
Queen of the civilized
Won't forgive, can forgive
What happens in ten seconds,
Will be instituted into the past
Past grows-..
I wrote this piece a few yars ago when i was traveling on the bus through the praries. It was summer. the sun had set and a full, bright, corn orange..
This is anger to say the least...
I wrote this at at time in in my life when i smoked and I was quite young and everyone asked why I smoked. I was going through a tough time in life an..
I wrote this a while ago and I know the rhyming is quite basic, but my friends seem to like it
Flower on the verge,
I wanted to grow
Flower on the verge,
I needed to know
I had colours
I had dreams
If the sun came out,
I cried for its ..
If there is a window to smash in my way of you
Let me smash it
Let my dream be lived,
Divide the fake and the real
If there is a crowd so barb..