Kevin : Writing

A Valentine Rhyme

A Valentine Rhyme

A Poem by Kevin

When money's tight the best gifts are from the heart. I did buy some small stuff but this was meant to be the main course.
The Beating

The Beating

A Poem by Kevin

Closure can sometimes avoid you. You have to deal the best you can. I've made mistakes and continue to do so. This is the first time I've written abou..
Laundry Day

Laundry Day

A Poem by Kevin

Contest entry. Rhyming is hard.


A Poem by Kevin

A dramatic Thanksgiving and a poem is born


A Poem by Kevin

What can I say, turning 40 sucks. You can't ignore the dark side and this actually helped me deal with some things.
The Beast

The Beast

A Story by Kevin

Short and to the point.
Lonely Duty

Lonely Duty

A Poem by Kevin

Being a father ain't all that it's cracked up to be.
College Daze

College Daze

A Story by Kevin

Beware the boys in black.
Joyful Tears

Joyful Tears

A Poem by Kevin

13 years of marriage and she still inspires me.
The Well

The Well

A Poem by Kevin

Giving up can sometimes cost more than you can imagine.