Hello fellow creative writers. I have been told throughout my entire life that I am hysterical when recanting a story of a situation that happened in my personal life, or life in general.
I could be bawling my eyes out, telling of a situation and have people chuckle through tears. That is often a weird combination, but what can I say?
I use humor in most of my writing, as it helps soften any hardness or maybe troubling information for some readers, but I am very animated, even in my story telling.
most of these are fact based, true life stories.
I sometimes have a hard time writing as the third person, or not using myself, or real names of the people featured in my stories, however, they are not fiction, and I am trying to edit them and use, my sibling, sister, friend.
I haven't attempted to write fiction yet even though I am a free spirit, day dreamer, cheerer of the under dog.
I hope you find my adventures humorous, or at least crack a smile when reading them.
Feel free to review my writing, as that can only help to make my next project better for all.
Catch ya on the next page. ;)