When I hear this partof this wondrous song,I feel a love so clear.I regain my heartand bounce headlonginto a joyous cheer.I'd forgotten this -a soothi..
I could have a conversationwith the wisest of them all,but I'm a master of negationwith the most absurd pitfall,So I doubt that I would learneven a si..
There's a game I'd like to play,but I've been told it's real,so I cannot play just yetfor I have not made a deal.But dealings with the universeare abs..
I laugh with them;I dance with her.The fire burns;the faces blur.I flap my arms;I start to drift.My hand reachesand tries to lift. I fly backwards;I f..
Most of my poems are amateurish and cliche, and I'm tired of using the same style over and over again. This one was already done, though, so I'll pub..
This is a big deviation from my normal style.
I had been drifting into a funk for weeks, but one morning, upon waking up, I spontaneously decided to switch to a positive mode of being.
I'm not sure if anyone will understand this or gain value from it, but here's what I've got so far.
I was waiting in
check-out line of a store,
my best to not just look
the products or the floor.
women join..
Weeks ago, I was walkingwith the river to my right.Headphones sang me music,as my eyes took in the sight.I came upon a young couplewho fished with a 3..